
This information is made by TECHNA GROUP SRL according to articles 13 and 14 of Reg UE 679/16 in force and in application since May 25, 2018 for the processing treatment carried out at their offices in the performance of their activities. TECHNA GROUP SRL guarantees compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data and personal protection and informs that personal data provided by data subjects through the various collection channels, directly or indirectly managed by the Owner, or acquired from third parties in compliance with the law, will be processed in a lawful, relevant and correct manner, in compliance with the principles established by the Dlgs. 196/2003 modified by Dlgs 101/2018 and by Reg UE 679/2016.
Under the Regulations (UE) 679/2016 (hereinafter "Regulations") and Dlgs. 196/2003 modified by Dlgs 101/2018, this page describes the methods of processing personal data of users who consult the Techna Group SRL website for the protection of personal data accessible by electronic means, at the following address: www.technagroup.it


The data controller is TECHNA GROUP SRL with operational headquarters in Faenza, Corso Mazzini No. 52 and registered office in Forlì, Via Dei Bianchi No. 19, CAP 47121, Italy, Number REA FO – 297724, VAT Number 03368230409. Within the company, your data will be processed by appointed employees or authorized persons under the direct authority of the respective Data Processor. The updated list of persons in charge of processing personal data is available and can be consulted at the administrative headquarters. In addition to the employees of TECHNA GROUP SRL, the processing of personal data may also be carried out by third parties, to whom the company entrusts certain activities (or part of them) related or instrumental to the processing of the services or the supply of offered services. In this case the same subjects will operate as autonomous owners, co-owners, or we will appoint Managers, persons in charge or persons authorized to the treatment.


The collection and subsequent processing of data are carried out by the Owner at the offices of the company listed above and by companies appointed by the Owner and also through its portal in compliance with the security measures and requirements of the laws in force for the processing of personal data.

Navigation data: The computer systems and software procedures used to operate these sites automatically acquire, in normal operation, some personal data that are implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols. It is an information that by their nature could, through associations and processing with data held by third parties, allow users / visitors to be identified (i.e. IP address, computer domain names used by users / visitors who connect to the site, etc.). These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information and to check the correct functioning of the sites. They are normally deleted immediately after processing. They can be used to ascertain responsibilities in case of damage to sites or offenses perpetrated through the network.

Data transferred by the user: The information we collect directly from you may include: i) contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number); ii) user name and password; iii) professional status, also including the affiliation of your Institution / Company; iv) payment information; v) any other contents such as comments or feedbacks. If users / visitors connect to the site or through any other form of written or verbal communication, send their personal data to access specific services, or, to make requests via email, you will have the acquisition of such data by the Owner of the treatment and / or third parties together with Techna Group srl could provide the service requested by the user / visitor; such data will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, i.e. for the supply of the service in accordance with this Policy. The personal data expressly provided by users / visitors will be communicated to third parties only if the communication is necessary to comply with the requests of the users / visitors themselves. The compilation of the pages "registration", "contact us", "newsletters" or sending requests in any mode, involves the acquisition of data in the systems memory. The information is protected by an authentication system and can only be accessed by those possessing the credentials. Requests for information by e-mail involve storing the user's e-mail address, which is necessary to respond to the sender's requests. The data stored in the message is included. In the case of data processing on paper support, the required measures to restrict access to authorized persons will be adopted.


The processing of personal data and telephone and telematic addresses is necessary to meet the requests of users, visitors, customers and provide our services. The conferment is therefore mandatory, not being able, in case of non-release of consent or revocation of the same, to accomplish the treatment (legitimate interest) and once the contract is stipulated, to carry out it (contract as legal basis of treatment). It is therefore necessary to highlight that any incorrect or insufficient communication of the requested data may result in the total or partial impossibility of executing the requests of the interested party and the possible non-correspondence of the treatment results with respect to the existing agreements or obligations imposed by rules and regulations. In particular, the processing of personal data will be aimed at providing services, in favor of users / visitors / customers, connected to the stipulation and execution of the contract for the purchase of materials, publications, contents. The above personal information could be used by Techna Group Srl also for the following purposes: providing communications about services. In any case, an option will always be provided i) to disable the distribution of emails; ii) maintain the appropriate connections to answer questions, comments, doubts; iii) provide technical support.


The digital treatment is carried out through automated tools (using electronic procedures and supports) and / or manually for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, for the fulfillment of legal obligations and for administrative, accounting, and tax purposes. The digital conservation of these data is guaranteed by the holder of the treatment through a set of processes and activities that ensure a continuous and secure access to digital information, and therefore making all security measures, technical and organizational, necessary to detect and prevent fraud, abuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction of data. The security of data processing is also guaranteed through the stipulation of appointments and contracts aimed at ensuring that information continues to be protected wherever they are in a manner coherent with the protection standards required by applicable law.


The data processed are exclusively of a common nature and are not intended for dissemination. The Owner does not require and has no interest in detecting and processing data that can be qualified as sensitive or judicial. The data must be transferred to third parties in the fulfillment of obligations deriving from laws or regulations (Institutions, Police, Judicial Authority, etc.) namely for activities directly or indirectly related to the established relationship. As an example we can cite the following:
1. Subjects who need access to data for purposes concerning the relationship with the Owner (Banks, Financial Companies, Carriers, etc.);
2. Consultants and collaborators, within the limits necessary to carry out the task conferred by the Owner;
3. Co-Owners who can access the data, within the strictly necessary limits and to carry out the activities expected by their corporate purpose.

The data may be communicated to subjects operating within the European Union, or in countries that guarantee the same level of protection as expected from the Regulations. Since Techna Group Srl also operates at an international level, data processing in the various countries will be adapted to the most restrictive rules, in order to ensure the highest level of data protection for the data of the interested party. The processing will be carried out even after the end of the main relationship, in compliance with the regulatory requirements that govern the conservation of documents, and, if authorized, to allow the establishment of future relationships and to ensure the historicization of data, also in customer interest and in any case the same will be checked periodically. Within the organization of the Owner, the data of the subject may be processed by the various organizational functions.


The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of the same data and to know its contents and origin, to verify its exactness or to request its integration or updating, or the amendment, oblivion, portability (Article 7 of Dlgs 196/03 and Articles 12 to 22 of Reg UE 679/16), as well as the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. You can exercise the above rights by sending an email to info@technagroup.it


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This privacy policy may be updated from time to time - also related to possible new sector regulations, updating or supply of new services or technological innovations - therefore the user / visitor is invited to consult periodically this page.

Cimtec 2024

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C.F.-P.I. 03368230409
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