Plenary Lectures

PL1 The Second Decade of the Material Genome Initiative
James A. WARREN, Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA

The MGI has entered its second decade of accelerating the discovery, design, development, and deployment of new materials via the creation of a materials innovation infrastructure.  Since the MGI's inception in 2011, NIST has framed its support for the MGI around the need for a data infrastructure that enables the rapid discovery of existing data and models, the tools to assess and improve the quality of those data, and finally the development of new methods and metrologies based on that data. This final goal has grown in importance over the years and by 2015, aritificial intelligence approaches to R&D were coming into their own.  We have entered and exciting an dynamic period of evolution in the materials research, where autonomous experimentation and computational frameworks are poised to dramatically accelerate the research process. In November 2021, the MGI has released a new strategic plan, charting a plan for next 10 years of an evolving materials innovation infrastructure, and rallying the materials R&D community to address the pressing grand challenges facing society today.  In this talk I  will spend some time addressing where the MGI has been and is headed, but also dig deep into the social and policy issues that have generated considerable challenges to realizing the full vision of the MGI.  

PL2 Quantum Computing with Semiconductors: On and Off the Beaten Path
Giordano SCAPPUCCI, QuTech, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands

The semiconductor industry knows how to make and integrate billions of excellent transistors into functional processors. These transistors define the current information age. What materials do we need to integrate excellent qubits at large scale for the quantum information age of tomorrow? How will we measure at scale the quantum properties of these materials to accelerate progress? With these questions in mind, I will examine the materials science progress underpinning silicon and germanium-based material stacks for quantum computing, review our most significant experimental results demonstrating key building blocks for quantum technology, and identify the most promising avenues toward scalable quantum information processing.

PL3 Quantum Technologies based on Si/SiGe and SiCOI
Thaddeus LADD, HRl Laboratories, LLC, Malibu, CA, USA

Semiconductor quantum technologies have undergone significant progress in the past few years, due recently to innovations in device designs, and historically due to the promise of leveraging the considerable fabrication resources of the semiconductor microelectronics industry [1].  This talk will address progress in spin qubits based on silicon, presently under  development at a growing number of academic, government, and commercial organizations, with particular focus on the Si/SiGe exchange-only qubit under development at HRL Laboratories.  HRL has now performed encoded universal logic in an array of 6 single electron spins in 6 quantum dots controlled only with DC voltages, an approach with high promise for future scalability [2].  I will also address semiconductor approaches to the problem of moving quantum information with light, with applications in sensing, quantum communication, and modularization of quantum computers.  I will focus on an emerging approach to nonlinear quantum integrated photonics using SiC on insulator (SiCOI). The growing interest in this material [3] is due to its strong potential for providing a platform for quantum optical sources, routing, and memory, in conjunction with the continued advancement of the industrial infrastructure for its production, and I will show how recent fabrication advances exhibit considerable promise for scaling these quantum technologies into a realm of genuinely advantageous utility.
[1] Burkard et al., Reviews of Modern Physics 95, 025003 (2023)
[2] Weinstein et al., Nature 615, 817 (2023)
[3] Anderson and Awschalom, Physics Today 76, 26 (2023)


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